Priya Nelson, History

Priya Nelson

Senior Editor (History)


Princeton University Press’s history list is as wide-ranging as it is ambitious. That ambition may mean tackling long periods of history, connecting far-flung geographic locations to make unexpected arguments, bringing scholarship to general audiences, or advancing bold yet well-supported claims. In the effort to feature the most engaging history, I seek writers who have an eye for meaningful detail and the wherewithal to see the big picture. Recent titles on Princeton’s diverse, award-winning list include The Soviet Century: Archaeology of a Lost World by Karl Schlögel; The Dialectic is in the Sea: The Black Radical Thought of Beatriz Nascimento; The Price of Collapse: The Little Ice Age and the Fall of the Ming Dynasty by Timothy Brook; Rain of Ash: Roma, Jews, and the Holocaust by Ari Joskowicz; and Maria Teresa: The Habsburg Empress in Her Time by Barbara Stollberg-Rillinger.